Reimagining Education

Learn with Us

Come learn with us. We offer workshops, tours, internships, and special events for anyone interested in exploring our educative practices.

Collaborate with Us

We invite collaboration with engaged educators and organizations doing similar important work for children. As we build relationships, our collaborations authentically evolve—be it publishing, research, offering workshops, co-hosting conferences or think-tanks, or supporting each other as we work with children—the possibilities are only as limited as our time and imagination.

In the past, we have been happy to host educators Constance Kamii, Alfie Kohn, Catherine Steiner-Adair, and Jasen Frelot to share their knowledge with our community and the community at large. We’re enthusiastic about serving as a model learning community through our own work and our partnerships with other educators.

Engage with Us

We are a model learning community, and as such we joyfully welcome visitors, volunteers, and collaborators. Sharing what we do and learning from others is central to our identity! If you’d like to share your skills and talents with us or are curious about what we do at The Attic, reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you, and we’re always eager for new conversation and inspiration! The sustainability and quality of our programs correlate directly with the energy and commitment of our generous volunteers, our visitors, and our supporters. You may also become a Friend of The Attic. Spread the word, invite your friends and neighbors to learn more about The Attic, or join us by attending our next Attic event.
hands raised at teacher workshop
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Please make check payable to:

The Attic Learning Community

And mail to:

The Attic Learning Community
PO Box 1668
Woodinville, WA 98072

For more information, please contact the Development Office.