
2024-25 Full-Time Enrollment

K-12 — $24,940

2024-25 Part-Time Enrollment Options

High School Juniors & Seniors have the option of attending full or part-time:

4 Courses (Open to High School Juniors & Seniors Only) — $21,810
3 Courses (Open to High School Juniors & Seniors Only) — $18,676
2 Courses (Open to High School Seniors Only) — $15,546

Part-time enrollment is based on class designation as of September 1, 2024, and includes Elective & Visioneering classes. The part-time enrollment option is designed for High School students who are in their last two years of High School. Part-time tuition and fee payments will begin May 5th and will be adjusted if necessary when student’s course schedule is finalized. All part-time options include High School Advising (college search and application support).

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Please make check payable to:

The Attic Learning Community

And mail to:

The Attic Learning Community
PO Box 1668
Woodinville, WA 98072

For more information, please contact the Development Office.