Expanding to a full-time program in 2025-26! Click here for more info!


Summer Program Registration Opens February 10th! Open to the Public! Click here for more information.

Admissions Welcome

Choosing the right educational path for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. It’s an important time to step back and reflect on your long term hopes for your child.

To determine whether or not The Attic is a match with your educational values, and a good fit for your child, we urge you to read our website, familiarize yourself with the books on our reading list, schedule a visit, come to an Open House event, meet our team, ask questions, and connect with us. As you picture your child at The Attic, ask yourself: Can I let go of my past conception of “school” and trust my child to grow and thrive in this learning community? At The Attic, our highest value is always the child, and we educate to support each child’s path toward an authentic sense of self, a passion for learning, and a deep understanding of community.

It takes a strong network of support to bring this progressive vision of education to fruition. The quality of our program correlates directly with the enthusiastic support and involvement of our families. While we offer tuition assistance to qualifying families, all Attic families must honestly assess the benefits and the commitment involved in belonging to a non-traditional learning community.

We are here to assist you in coming to know The Attic, all that is involved in educating with us here, and all that we have to offer children and families. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Sandi Wollum, Executive Director, at [email protected].

We look forward to supporting you on this journey,

Admissions and Outreach Team

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Please make check payable to:

The Attic Learning Community

And mail to:

The Attic Learning Community
PO Box 1668
Woodinville, WA 98072

For more information, please contact the Development Office.